Monday, October 25, 2010

Baltimore Magazine, October 2010

Opener for "Behind The Gilt Curtain" article
Shot for the "Home" special edition section of October's issue of Baltimore Magazine, this article featured three homes belonging to a more private area of Baltimore called Guilford.  Each home is featured on the "Maryland House and Garden Pilgrimage", an annual tour of the Guilford neighborhood.  The images used in the opener (above) is from the home of Maliene Wajer, an antiques dealer with an absolutely gorgeous home in the area.  Her house is filled with the most amazing collection of beautiful antiques, furniture, books, artwork, and taxidermy.  I could spend years photographing the things in her house and find something new and interesting every day.  Click the jump for more stuff from the Wajer house and shots of other homes featured in the article....

Friday, October 1, 2010

Spro Cafe

Jay Caragay, owner of Spro Cafe in Baltimore's Hampden neighborhood, for Baltimore Magazine (October 2010 issue):

Above is my favorite image from the shoot.  I loved the light and the layering of the reflection in the window.  The image was going to appear fairly small in the magazine though, so it wouldn't have translated in print very well.  Here's the shot they ended up using:

Jay Caragay in front of his coffee shop, Spro.

Although I didn't try any coffee while I was there, I'm looking forward to going back and getting a cup.  Apparently, they list five to eight varieties beans and brew using one one of seven methods.  According to the article (by Martha Thomas), the "baristas receive more than 100 hours of training".  The prices range from $2 a cup, for your basic variety, and all the way up to $13 for special blends.  I'm thinking of saving the $13 special blend for one of those particularly rough mornings....

Model Test: Kelly and Anthea

These are from a quick model test for something big in the works:

Kelly Grassia

Anthea Thurston 

Anthea Thurston

Can't say much about what it's for yet, but stay tuned....