Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Maryland Life, August 2010

Check out the "Art" feature in this coming month's issue of Maryland Life Magazine for a piece I worked on showcasing Bob Moore, a master weaver of Nantucket baskets.

Bob was great to work with, such an interesting guy and clearly very skilled at his craft.  "The iconic baskets he creates date back to the early 1800's, when sailors would return from the Orient with reeds, rattan, and other materials...." (-Mary Medland, from the article).  Space was a little tight, so maneuvering lighting was a bit tricky, and above all I wanted to be sure to do justice to his work.  In the end, the piece looked great and I couldn't be happier with the results. 

Monday, July 26, 2010

Mad Men

Last night marked the season premiere of the fourth season of Mad Men, a television series on AMC which centers around characters working at an ad agency in the 1960's.  A few weeks ago some friends hosted a Mad Men theme party where everyone attending was dressed in 60's fashion and offered martini's, manhattan's, and other such potent potables of the era.  I brought along a Model 180 Polaroid Land Camera and spliced a sync cord to connect a flash.  Here's my favorite polaroid from the evening:

The flash didn't fire on the first attempt, so there's a faint double exposure

The party was a blast, and last nights episode of Mad Men was, of course, amazing.  Definitely check out the show if you haven't, and CLICK HERE for some great 1960's cocktail recipes.


Friday, July 9, 2010

Best Daycare Centers in Baltimore

-"The Kids Are Alright" article, featuring the best child care centers in Greater Baltimore, Baltimore Magazine, July 2010-

Had a great time shooting for this piece!  The kids were great to work with and so much fun to photograph.  I would start off as a sort of fly on the wall, photographing them as they went about their normal routines, but would inevitably end up running around playing games and trying to keep up, pausing only to move a light or compose a shot.

Thanks again to all the daycare employee's who were so generous with their time, and especially those who ended up being impromptu assistants- couldn't have done it without you!! 

Not all of the following images were used in the article, but here are just a few of my favorites: