Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hasselblad Polaroid Self Portrait

Shot with my 503cx Hasselblad and Polaroid 100 back. I love these polaroids- the lens is so sharp and renders the tones so nicely, but there's still that instant film quality. The film is daylight balanced and there's a combination of tungsten lights and sunlight in this shot, so there's kind of a cool mix of colors.

I also just got some expired Polaroid film that I can't wait to toy around with....

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Connie Imboden

Connie is a very good friend and mentor of mine, and it was a huge honor when she asked me to photograph her for the Biography page of her new book, "Reflections: 25 Years of Photography by Connie Imboden". I've modeled for Connie countless times throughout the last several years, so it was interesting to be on the other side of the camera!

We shot this with her standing in front of a mural print in her studio. Connie works intuitively, exploring the body and allowing for discovery, rather than preconceiving or planning images. In the portrait it almost looks as though the figure in the background and over her shoulder (her work) is informing her, almost whispering to her. I also love how it's essentially both B&W and color, which seems so appropriate for the new book as it features some of Connie's never before published B&W images, as well as some of her latest color work. But most of all, I think it's just a great shot of my friend.

"Reflections: 25 Years of Photography by Connie Imboden" is an amazing book and collection of Connie's work. It's available to order now from both Connie's website as well as her blog. It's also the first book containing several images that I modeled for, so you KNOW it's good!