Most of my memories of my dad at the house take place with him behind that counter in the kitchen. He's a great cook, and I love how the shot came out. The lighting is almost entirely artificial, but I set it up to look like the natural light usually does in the kitchen. There's a big window to the left where a lot of sunlight comes in, and this looks almost like what it does on bright, sunny days (only better, of course ;)
And here's my brother Kyle:

When we moved into the house, my brother got the biggest room. Although it's the second largest bedroom and somewhat conveniently tucked away in the house, my sister and I (13 and 14 years old, respectively) didn't want it as it was connected to my parents room. But that made it perfect for Kyle, 6 at the time. Over the years the room has taken on a life of it's own, one which no one seems to be able to control. The floor is littered with various toys from Kyle's childhood, but a few of my own, long thought to be exiled to the attic and/or lost over time, have somehow become hostages of the room. There are water bottles, clothes, easter baskets, video game controllers, a few board games, and a large gently used foosball table. You can see it here on the left, protected by layers of forgotten toys and junk that only the bedroom still cherishes. The television, still greedy for attention (typical), got smart and climbed the wall a few years ago, but it's only a matter of time before it too is devoured by the ravenous room.